// I decided to rest in Rivet City today. I woke up at around 11, and ate at the Stayley's.
I had some Mirelurk Cakes. The tasted funky but ok. I recieved word that Megaton
was attacked by a gang of raiders. They said that Simms took out the leader. I hope
they're ok. I should go check on them. I couldn't, though. My arm was still a little
weird and my ankle was getting infected. I saw Preston after breakfast, or whatever
a meal was called at 11. He put some medicine on the ankle wound and bandaged it.
He told me not to run or strain it in any way. I gave him 98 caps for the exam.
I then went back to the market. I went to see Seagrave Holmes about buying some
Duct tape to fix up my Shotgun. He had some. I gave hime 3 caps for it. I went back
to my hotel room and patched up my gun. Nothing else really happened today. I want
to go back to Megaton tomorrow, though. To see what's going on.
<Beep, beep, beep>
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