Saturday, November 5, 2011

August 8th, 2277 8:13PM

//    Well, I woke up at around 7AM in Roe's house. I thanked him and decided to head
    south. After a while I saw a few rougue protectrons. They started firing lasers at me.
    I pulled out my new Laser Rifle and aimed it at one of the two and shot. The laser beam
    hit it and it bursted in electricity. It feel down and turned off. The other was shooting
    at me. I ducked by a rock and reloaded my rifle. I looked over and didn't see it. I saw
    a big cloud of electricity by a rock. I went to look and saw a crazy guy in  a vault suit.
    I was freaked out. I shot him twice in the chest and he fell down. His chest glowed a
    bit and he shook around on the ground. I looked at him and he pulled out a pistol and
    shot me in the leg.
    "Shit!" I yelled and pointed my rifle at the crazy vault guy.
     I shot him in the face while he moaned, "Garrrrryyyyyyy~"
    I limped over to a wooden door. It looked like the wooden door near Vault 101. I pushed
    it open and fell inside. Blood was pouring out of my leg. I slung around my pack and
    grabbed a stimpak and some bandages out of it. I wrapped my leg in the bandages
    and smashed the stim into it. It hurt at first and then felt great. I still couldn't walk
    on it though. I looked down the cave and saw some radroaches moving toward me.
    "Damn," I moaned and took out my pistol. I shot the three of them a few times and
    they squished to the dirt. I saw an open vault door down the path. I got up and leaned
    against the cave's wall. I slowly limped toward the open vault door. There was a
    control panel that was blinking. I heard a bunch of wild screaming.
    "GAAAAARRRRRRRRYYYYY~!" I heard. What the hell was that? I smacked the control
    panel and the vault door began to make noise. The lights strobed and the door
    shook. It slid over and covered the entrance. The number painted on the door said
    '108'. It closed and I no longer heard the frantic 'Gary!' screaming. I was confused.
    I turned around and left the cave. I could barely walk on my leg and it started to
    hurt again. I slapped another stimpak and started to think. I heard gunfire around the
    rocks and thought to myself.
    "I'm fucked." I thought. I started to walk north back to Canterbury for help. I saw
    a few brahmin and raiders fighting. The brahmin looked like caravan brahmin. One of
    them died and the other one charged a raider and it smashed him up. The other raider
    shot him and started looting the packs. I decided that, maybe if there were medical
    supplies there, I would need them. I snuck over there and brought out my laser rifle.
    I aimed it at him from about ten feet. I shot twice and the blasts hit his neck. He fell
    down, paralyzed, and started begging for his life. I looked at him and looked through
    the packs. I found some medicine and ammo. The only problem was that I had no
    fucking clue how to use this crap. My leg ached and I limped back to the Vault cave to
    study it. I f I couldn't figure it out, I'd head to Canterbury. I opened the bandages on
    my leg and saw the gruesome bullet wound. There was a hole on one side and not one
    on the other, so it was still in there. That was bad, right? I looked in the first aid box
    and saw some surgical equipment and some needles and stimpaks. I jabbed my leg with
    three stimpaks just in case. I was scared. I then took one of the three odd needles and
    read the label on it.
    "Numb" it read. That was when you couldn't feel it, right? I hoped so. I used it and after
    a while, I couldn't feel my leg. I took some of the tools and opened up the hole a bit.
    It looked so horrible. I saw the bullet lodged in there. I took the tweezers and a tried
    to get it out. It sounded all squishy and nasty. Blood was still pouring out. I got the
    bullet and quickly pulled it out. I threw it at the wall and wrapped my leg back up.
    I started to feel again and didn't like it. I guess that shot was just a short-term aid.
    After I thought about it for a while, the wound wasn't too bad. It could have been
    a lot worse. After waiting about an hour I checked my Pip-Boy clock and saw that
    it was 5:30PM. I decided to start preparing for sleep. I took off my pack and put
    my leg on it for comfort. I started the recording and now it is...
//    6:13PM. Well, that's it for today.
        <Beep, beep, beep>   
        <Power: OFF>